Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

PittOrtho Team At AAHKS Annual Meeting

PittOrtho was in force at this year's annual American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons meeting. Out of 2,000 submitted abstracts, “Performance of Cementless Hip Arthroplasty Stem Designs Based on Consolidated Large Registry Data”, co-authored by Dr. F. Johannes Plate, was selected as 1 of 350 posters to be presented. 

Dr. Plate is a member of the AAHKS Research Committee and was selected as AAHKS Health Policy Fellow and invited to the Business of Joint Arthroplasty Course. Dr. Adolph J. Yates was recognized at the Elite Reviewer Reception for the Journal of Arthroplasty and received a Best Reviewer award from the journal's Editor-in-Chief.

Dr. Brian A. Klatt and Dr. Plate also attended the AAHKS Advocacy Committee and AAHKS Business Meeting. It was a busy few days but very successful! Congratulations to all who were recognized at the event!