Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Orland Bethel Family Musculoskeletal Research Center at University of Pittsburgh Launches

The Orland Bethel Family Foundation has pledged a $25 million gift, to be matched equally by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, that will enable Pitt to elevate its study of musculoskeletal disorders including osteoporosis, degenerative arthritis, fragility fractures and spinal pathology. The gift is an expression of thanks by grateful patient Orland Bethel who benefited from the care and research of teams led by our very own Dr. Joon Y. Lee, Orland Bethel Professor of Spine Surgery.  

What began as seeking care for incapacitating pain has become a transformative gift to benefit future patients, researchers, educators and physicians. Orland Bethel suffered from debilitating spinal pain from back to neck before turning to scientists and clinicians at the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC for help. He eventually received relief after successful surgery and treatment, enjoying restored function and motion thanks to Dr. Lee.

“Orland Bethel is helping to speed up that imperative cycle. He benefited from scientific advancements and innovation from the bench to his bedside, and, thanks to the Bethel family’s generosity, now we can continue elevating and translating the efforts of our research programs into the clinical reality for our patients," said Dr. MaCalus V. Hogan, MD, MBA.


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